When traveling to Morocco, you may be with a tour guide who speaks English. Regardless, it is always nice to have some survival language to communicate with shop keepers, servers, and to be prepared in case of emergency. Morocco has two national languages: Darija, the local dialect of Arabic, and French. If you speak French, Modern Standard Arabic, or another Arabic dialect, you will be able to get by in any city. There are also people who speak varying levels of English, but I wouldn't count on that for survival. Throughout Morocco, there are many other dialects spoken such as Tamazight and Tashelheet. These are mostly spoken in rural villages. Even Darija can vary across the country.
In this post, I'll share some words that you might consider learning before you travel to Morocco, in the Darija dialect that I learned, which was used in the North. Keep in mind that I am not an expert in the language, but I got by for 9 months in the country #travellikealocal. Darija is not a written language- you won't find it in any textbook to learn it. Additionally, the Arabic alphabet has some sounds that don't exist in English. I'll do my best to write the words phonetically. Also, remember that when speaking to or about a female, you should add an "a" at the end of the word when noted.
Basic Conversation
Hello (formal)- a salamu wa alaykum
Response- wa alaykum salam
Hello (casual)- salam
How are you?- ki dayr(a)? -labas?
I am fine- labas
thank God (also used to say "I am fine")- hamdulillah
What is your name?- shnu smitek
My name is- smitii
Nice to meet you- mitsharfin
Please- afak
Thank you- shukran
Sorry- smehili (male), simhiili (female)
Food- makla
Drink- shrub
Restaurant- risto
Cafe- café
Tea- atai
Coffee- kahwa
Juice- aasir
Water- ilma
Water bottle- ilma min qra
Milk- halib
Sugar- sukkar
Bread- khubz
Couscous- couscous
Beans- lubia
Lentils- laadis
Salad- shlada
Chicken- djaj
Meat- al ham
Vegetables- khudra
Fruit- disir
Pizza- pizza
Cookies- gato
Cake- kika
Croissant- croissant
I'm full- shbaat
The food is delicious- al makla benina
Expensive- ghalid
Reduce the price- naqus
Shirt- kamija
Pants- sruaal
Dress- kasuwa
Shoes- sbaat
Bag- sak
Pot- tinjra
Plate- tabsiil
Rug- zerbia
Pillow- usaada
I want to...- bghit
Eat- nakul
Drink- nshrub
Sleep- naas
Shower- nadousch
Wash my hands- naqui idi
Brush my teeth- nagsl sinani
Happy- frhan(a)
Sad- miqulluq(a)
Scared- khaef(a)
Tired- ayan(a)
Bored- mumil(a)
Red- ahamar
Orange- limuni
Yellow- asifar
Green- akhadar
Blue- azraq
Purple- mauv
Pink- fanidi
Black- kahl
White- abiad
Brown- kahwi
Gray- armadi
One- wahid
Two- juj
Three- tlata
Four- arbaa
Five- hamza
Six- sitta
Seven- sabaa
Eight- temenya
Nine- tsood
Ten- ashara
Get away from me- bad mini
Stop- waqaf
Medicine- duwa
Allergy- hasasiya
Sick- miriid
Hospital- spital
Doctor- tabiib
Airplane- tiara
Airport- matar
Train- al tran
Train Station- la gar
Bus- kar, tobis
Bus station- al matta dyal kiran
Bus stop- al matta dyal tobisat
Inner-City Taxi- petit taxi
Intra-City Taxi- taxi kabir
Stop- waqaf
Go- sir
Continue- sir nishan
Right- limun
Left- lissr
Here- hina
There- al hiih
More- zid
A little- shuya
No more- safi
Yes- a
No- la
Okay- waha
Maybe- yimkin
Good- mizyan
I like...- kayajbini...
I feel...- kanhasib...
I am...- ana...