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A Travel Tip for the Ladies

Writer's picture: LizLiz

This might not be a conventional travel tip, but I have to put it out there because it has changed my life and the way I travel (is that an exaggeration? Maybe… but this is a good tip!). We’ve all heard of menstrual cups from the environmental argument, maybe the financial or health standpoint, but today I’m going to tell you why they’re also so great for travel, and maybe you’ll finally be sold and give one a chance.

A backstory: I, like many women, was put off by the idea of menstrual cups at one point. But, when I found out I was moving to Morocco and there was no access to tampons in the country, I decided it was time to give it a try. I bought a generic one on Amazon, and had an awkward first experience with it, but by the second month I was totally comfortable and I haven’t looked back! Two years later and the original one I bought is still going strong (although I’ll be replacing it soon). I won’t get into a description of menstrual cups because that’s what the Internet is for, but here’s why I think every woman who can, should use them, especially when traveling.

  • Convenience- Don’t you hate when you travel, having to plan ahead thinking of when your period will come, how many days it’ll be, and thus how many products you need to stock up on? Instead, I keep my cup in a small sachet my purse at all times, so it’s always there wherever I am, whenever I need it.

  • Avoids “uh oh” moments- No matter how hard you try to plan, sometimes you run out of or don’t have tampons/pads if your period comes unexpectedly, lasts longer, is heavier, etc… This happened to me in Sri Lanka. I spent a month there so I knew I’d need a week worth of tampons, but somehow I ran out. It was so difficult to find even pads to buy, and they were like the size of a diaper! Talk about feeling uncomfortable when you’re trying to enjoy the beach. A menstrual cup will never leave you hanging this way.

  • Peace of mind- Tampons and pads fill up way faster than a cup, and can be dangerous if not changed every 3-4 hours. I only need to empty my cup in the morning and at night. This means when I travel, and all the time, I can live my life, not concerned about finding a bathroom to go to at the right time. (I realize some women might need to clean theirs out more often than every 12 hours...maybe every 6-8, but still, that’s a lot less!)

  • And...more peace of mind- Wear those white pants, girl! Go swimming! Dance like nobody's watching! The world is yours when you use a cup, because of the not-overflowing feels-so-comfortable-I-forget-it's-there feeling.

  • Saving $$$- I bought my generic cup on Amazon for $15 two years ago. Compare that to the $300+ I would have spent on average in those two years on tampons, and I just bought myself a new travel wardrobe with my savings!

  • Going green- Not really travel related, but my one cup saves the trash from plastic inserters, wrappers, and a ton of cotton, etc. I won’t even try to add it all up, but it’s a lot!

I realize some women aren’t even comfortable using tampons, or for some reasons can’t, and there is no shame in that. But, if you can use a menstrual cup, I think it is worth a try. I also realize that women in many parts of the world do not even have access to the most basic hygienic supplies for their time of the month. Here's a list of nonprofit organizations you might consider donating to, which help solve this need.

So, go on Amazon and treat yourself to a menstrual cup! I’ve never had a more comfortable period, and I’ll never go back. Just make sure to read reviews if you don’t buy a brand name, and research the product ingredients to make sure everything is safe. You’ll be glad you did!




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Our personal love of travel combined with our military connections has led to a lot of adventures, sometimes to places we never thought we'd visit. Our ability to have a great time in any place led us to start this blog, so we can inspire others to see the potential in any travel location!

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